Hi, my name is Megan Costa today I want to talk to you about my magazine Venus since the beginning of this project I knew wanted it to be for women more specifically women’s issues such as equal rights in society. As you can see here in this mood board that I made at the beginning of the year I did include both genders women and men. I wanted my magazine to advertise to women of all ages and men who were willing to be educated on these topics. And I included the color scheme that I wanted to incorporate in the magazine. When researching what fell under the category of women’s magazines I quickly realized that most of these magazines are about fashion, makeup, and fitness. I didn’t quite want my magazine to follow those conventions in the sense that I did all my articles to just be about fashion or just be about make-up or fitness I want my magazine to open about the wage gap or inequality. Here is a list of what is considered a woman’s magazine. We have Vogue which is just a fashion magazine. I feel like these magazines didn’t represent the social group that I was going to. These magazines are created for white women and you can see that more than half of the covers are white women with blonde hair. Which isn’t the diversity that I was looking for but wanted to include in my magazine. At the end of my research, I discovered what I didn’t want in my magazine. I feel like I didn’t follow conventions in the sense that I didn’t broadcast fitness or makeup instead I talked about inequality. My model for the cover was a woman which is a signature trait in magazines. I had many eye-catchers on my cover that can give a potential consumer a more in-depth look at what was stored inside the magazine. Such as “it’s a girl thing” and “men of quality don’t feel equality”. Now moving on to my table of contents in other magazines such as cosmopolitan I had noticed that their table of contents had one picture which I wanted to stick to. By adding red it made it more eye-catching. Following my mood board with red. I had also brought forth issues such as sexism and women activists who are making a change in their communities. Lastly for my spread, I feel like I put my own twist on it I wanted my feature spread to have to point of view on inequality from a man and women’s perspective. I feel like it’s what made my magazine different from others. I had even made the pages two different colors to help differentiate with a photo and headline of a man. And the other page with the man and women to illustrate that they are isn’t inequality. In the feature spread, it discusses how schools should talk more about these topics of inequality and teach kids fairness. Although my social group mainly focuses on women a man could also consume my magazine and educate themselves on the importance of equality. Overall my magazine both challenges and used conventions of women’s magazines as well as talks about women’s issues.
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